We let you tell the story of your non-profit
organization through a meaningful website.

Donors Engagement

We focus on making your non-profit website visually interesting to intrigue the eyes of the donors.

Manifest your Mission

We portray your mission to visitors through compelling videos, infographics, photos, testimonials, and quotes.

Clear Call-to-action

We incorporate clear call-to-action to enhance the user experience and tell donors how they can engage with your organization.

Redesign & Maintenance

We have a proven solution to redesign and properly maintain your existing non-profit website.

Key components of a successful non-profit website.

There are some key elements that aid your non-profit organisation to shine in a unique and goal-driven way.

Mobile-friendly adaptive design
Easy navigation
High-quality imagery
Quality content
Clear CTAs
A big donate button
Social media shares
Volunteer information
Email subscription
Events calendar and registration
Frequently asked questions

We entice your visitors through an intriguing and meaningful non-profit website.

Here’s what we do to make your non-profit website stand out from the rest.

Responsive Design

– Multi-device adaptive
– Easy navigation
– Friendly and welcoming design

Robust Structure

– Powerful hosting
– Relevant popups
– Security logos


– Interesting visuals/High-quality imagery
– Impressive Blog/News section
– Volunteer opportunities


– Donate button
– Clear CTAs
– Social media


– Modern slick CMS
– Leverage the newest technologies
– Flexibility with various options


– Interactive UI/UX
– Mobile-first website
– Fast loading speed

Let’s discuss your project.

Coffee’s on us!